Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Friday! We have a rainy rainy day here today and more rain for the weekend. Need to find some fun indoor activities (besides cleaning) to do with the girls this weekend.
I just wanted to leave this layout with you real quick. This is some more of the gorgeous new Brenda Pinnick stuff, available ONLY on QVC!

Have a great weekend!


Staci Taylor said...

Oooh, I love these Brenda Pinnick layouts you made! How fun that you are doing stuff for QVC! And that's great that Vanessa is liking school, i'm sure that is a huge relief! A bunch of our neighbors are dealing with the changes in their schedules/responsibilities, and it seems like a whole new world!!

Kimberly said...

cute cute LO amie!

Lea L. said...

Very pretty Amie!! Wonderful job!
