Ok, I've been away for awhile. Oops...sometimes, the time just passes on by.
I have just a few photos to share today.
Here are the girls with their 5K medals- they did really well and Vanessa *did* actually run the first mile of the 5K. Robyn was cruising comfy in the stroller

And, Matt and I had a great great time in Chicago. Wonderful concert and we both enjoyed some reading time on the train ride there and back. Here we are at the train station in Chicago, checking out the map. I love this guy so much!

And, then I had the most wonderful mother's day and my girls and my guy definitely made me feel specials. Loved getting out on the bikes and going to the arb for a bit

And, tomorrow, is our 9th wedding anniversary! WOWZERS! How can it be nine years already? I love this guy more than ever, and what a wonderful father he is.

I hope your day is great!